正月荘 の「あんこう鍋コース」
Shogatsuso's"Anko-nabe Course″近頃はいきなり冬の到来を感じさせる朝晩寒い日々が続いております。
料金はお一人様¥6,000(税込) ~ 要予約(あんこう鍋希望とおっしゃってください)
*期間 ~ 3月下旬までの予定
Recently,we have been experiencing cold mornings and evenings that remind us that winter
has suddenly arrived.
We arenow recommending a genuine ankou nabe course using ankou from Joban.
Anglerfish, a winter delicacy, is known as the anglerfish of the East and
pufferfish of the West. Despite their grotesque appearance lurking in the deep
sea, anglerfish meat is light and full of collagen. The sauce is rich in the
style of dobu-jiru, which is made lavishly using the backstrap of anglerfish
liver. You will be addicted to this dish! In addition, Zosui (rice porridge),
Udon noodles, and recently Ramen noodles are also popular, especially among
women. In addition to anko-nabe, we also offer "anko-no-karaage" and
"anko-no-tomo-zu" (reservation required one week in advance).
This isthe same anglerfish hot pot that Mr. Himura enjoyed at "Bananaman’s
Sekkaku Gourmet" in April this year. Please take this opportunity to try it!Rates arefrom 6,000 yen per person (tax included). Reservations are required (please
mention that you want ankou nabe).
Pleaserefer to the flyer below for details.
Period:Scheduled to run until late March.バナナマンのせっかくグルメ!!放送
Bananaman's Sekkaku Gourmet! Broadcast
Gourmetfood ordered from all over Japan!当店 正月荘が4月23日㈰夜7:00からのTBS系「バナナマンのせっかくグルメ!!」に取り上げられました。今回番組内で紹介された【~料亭の味~国産特大きんきの煮付け2匹と銀鱈の西京焼き2切れセット】をバナナマンのせっかくグルメ全国お取り寄せグルメを通して皆様にお届けさせていただきます。きんきの煮付けセット以外にも【~料亭シェフシリーズ~料亭シェフのキーマカレー(3袋)料亭シェフのビーフシチュー(3袋)のプレミアムセット】も合わせてお楽しみください。
Ourrestaurant, Shogatsuso, was featured in the TBS program "Bananaman's
Delightful Gourmet!" on TBS on April 23rd at 7:00 pm. We are pleased to
present to you the "Taste of Japanese Restaurant - 2 Japanese Extra Large
Kinki (Stir-fried) and 2 Slices of Gindara (Saikyo-yaki) Set" that was
featured in the program through Bananaman's Sekkaku Gourmet's nationwide order.
In addition to the stewed kinki set, please also enjoy the premium set of
[~Ryotei Chef Series ~Ryotei Chef's Keema Curry (3 pouches) and Ryotei Chef's
Beef Stew (3 pouches)].
*Pleaseaccess the order page from the image below to place your order! We do not sell
directly in Shogatsuso.お問い合わせ
ご不明な点やご質問がありましたら、ぜひお気軽にご連絡ください。割烹料亭 正月荘
福島県いわき市平字大町43営業時間/10:00 ~ 21:00
受付時間/ 9:30 ~ 18:000246-23-3104(正月荘) 0246-25-2733(月の花篭)
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